When you need a tough, reliable lock that can also withstand the corrosive conditions of a marine environment you need a Falcon X Series lock with our stainless steel (SS) construction. The SS option provides a stainless steel and nonferrous constructed chassis that, when paired with stainless steel trim, provides a Grade 1 lock that is resistant to corrosion when exposed to moisture and salt. This full knob line features an interchangeable core that can be removed for quick, easy re-keying. Our interchangeable cores are compatible with SFIC products from other manufacturers. And they’re backed by one of the best names in the business.
Type | Title | URL |
catalogs | Falcon Locks Product Catalog | https://res.cloudinary.com/seclock-marketing/image/upload/Falcon_Locks_Catalog_110449 |
instructions | Falcon Cylindrical Lock Guide | https://marketing-assets.seclock.com/image/upload/Falcon_Cylindrical_Lock_Guide_110894 |
X-Series Installation Instructions | https://marketing-assets.seclock.com/image/upload/106802 | |
price-books | 2024 Falcon Price Book | https://res.cloudinary.com/seclock-marketing/image/upload/FAL_pricebook_3-2024 |
marketingsales-documents | Von Duprin Finishes Chart | https://marketing-assets.seclock.com/image/upload/ALLEGION_finish-chart |
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