Falcon conventional cylinders provide a high level of security and durability at an affordable price. A conventional cylinder requires some breakdown of the lock in order to be removed and are the most commonly used cylinders. Because they are manufacturer-specific to the lock and lock type, they usually cannot be exchanged for another brand. However, Falcon conventional cylinders can be ordered in several designs made to fit competitive locks. They are best suited for light commercial applications with a small number of users, such as retail stores, small offices and residential applications that do not require frequent cylinder changes.

Type Title URL
marketingsales-documents Keys Keying Systems Sell Sheet https://marketing-assets.seclock.com/image/upload/106200
Von Duprin Finishes Chart https://marketing-assets.seclock.com/image/upload/ALLEGION_finish-chart
catalogs Falcon Locks Product Catalog https://res.cloudinary.com/seclock-marketing/image/upload/Falcon_Locks_Catalog_110449
price-books 2023 Falcon Price Book (updated 10.16.2023) https://marketing-assets.seclock.com/image/upload/FAL_pricebook_10-2023
2024 Falcon Price Book https://res.cloudinary.com/seclock-marketing/image/upload/FAL_pricebook_3-2024
cut-sheets Falcon Cylinders and Keys Cut Sheet https://marketing-assets.seclock.com/image/upload/Mortise_Rim_Thumbturn_Dummy_Cam_Lock_Mailbox_Cylinders
Falcon Cylinders and Keys;Falcon Lock Parts Cut Sheet https://marketing-assets.seclock.com/image/upload/Cylinders


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